
The Expo ’70 Commemorative Park is easily accessible from the city of Osaka. It is also well within reach of Kyoto and Kobe.

From the city of Osaka

From the city of Osaka

From the city of Osaka

*( )The times displayed are estimates for trains. Times waiting for transfer are not included.

From primary tourist spots

From primary tourist spots

From primary tourist spots

*( )The times displayed are estimates for trains. Times waiting for transfer are not included.

From the Tokyo area

From the Tokyo area

From Kyoto, Kobe and Nara area

From Kyoto, Kobe and Nara area

*( )The times displayed are estimates for trains. Times waiting for transfer are not included.

To the Kyoto and Kobe areas

To the Kyoto and Kobe areas

*( )The times displayed are estimates for trains. Times waiting for transfer are not included.

Access Map

Access Map

Guide to transfers

It is possible to search the arrival and departure times and routes for transportation facilities to your destination. Hyper schedule (English)



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